Thursday, June 30, 2011

June jumbles

Well, June has been uneventful from my perspective.

Rach was gone for about 8 days to London and I missed her terribly. She had quite an adventure,but she is home safe and sound, and all is well.

She has only gained 12 pounds!! Twelve!!!! (I gained 30 the first go 'round, and 16 with her) Hopefully she will continue to feel good, for the most part. She still has a 'sick day' every so often. Not fun.

Basically June has found me looking for ways to be entertained. So.... computer games, books, house keeping, and ...yes....this blog. :)

Still finding little things to add to the July shower bags. :) But, basically I am done for a while. This is my month to finish up some things I have to take care of, get things in order, and begin focusing on my own stuff for a while. I really did mean it about getting in shape. Sadly- I am finding out the lazy Tracey is in full force. Not good. But - I will do what I can. Between laziness and perimenopause, it won't be easy. :)

Well, after you quit laughing...yes, I heard can close the blog for now. July holds promise of more misadventures to come.  Madison better start battening down the hatches- life is a rocky road. :)

May mullings

Well, after a beautiful shower----oh, and I forgot to say--- my daughter looked beautiful that day as well. The dress color was great on her------ it is time for VACATION.

We had a wonderful 4 days as a family at the beach before others joined us. It was early for us, and it will be a long summer if we don't take a mini trip at some point, but we chose it because Rach is going to London about the time we usually go, and July is much too hot for our liking.

Who knows when that will happen again, if ever. Just the four of us. :) It was nice. We had not been able to do that since our little weekend trip to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg in the fall of Rach's sophomore year.

Later in the week Robert and Little Miss joined us, as did a couple of  Tyler's friends. 

Having Little Miss at the pool was so much fun. Much to look forward to- no doubt. :) She is full of endless amount of energy. Guess I will have to get myself in much better shape. No doubt.

Vacation was tiring, and much too quick, but fun.
Our family is changing ever so much. We are learning that plans go awry, hearts get broken, we may not like one another at times, troubles come and go, but in the end- we are a family.  You can't choose family. :) 

~Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing. showers...bring lots of stuff !!!

Well, now it is April on this journey. Several doctor appointments, lunches, shopping trips, and prayers later.

I have gotten all my ducks in a row- well, with the exception of figuring out how much chicken salad one prepares for such a growing crowd. (The shower RSVPs are up to about 45 at  this point!!) 

All the gifts are wrapped and awaiting (for both showers - I like to be organized). The house is clean, vacation items are ready to go, and now it is SHOWER TIME!!!!

It was a beautiful, hot, sunny day, and a beautiful shower. The mom and dad-to be were so blessed. We had an absolutely awesome turn out. I am so grateful for all the friends and family who showed their love and support. They did not eat enough chicken salad, however. LOL.----- BTW-- for future reference--- 10 lbs. of chicken is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much for 50 people. HAHAHAHA.

It was an awesome, tiring day, and though I have yet (yes, even now) to see what all that sweet girl got that day, it was an overflowing abundance of blessing.

Rach's brother and his friend, a college friend, and a college roommate were all able to go back to their house and set up the nursery for them. More blessings. They, in turn, received a dinner cooked by Robert. Yum! 

I was so blessed to have my BFF and her daughter come down from VA to join us. It meant so much to me that she did that. I was also blessed to have to many friends help Gail (the hostess) with the shower. Robyn bought fruit trays, Rhetta and Cheryl did veggie trays, Jamie and her mom, Sandy, did the punch. We found a lady on Facebook, who was local, to do the cake, and another friend, Shannon, jumped in with cute bootie favors. The day could not have gone so well without their help, no doubt.

My cousin jumped in and did so much - she was definitely irreplaceable.  She made adorable pacifier balloons, a cheese ball, a centerpiece wreath, and the corsages for the shower. Funny how we just really started hanging out together in the past couple of years and have discovered that we have so many things in common, though she was raised in a local orphanage, and we only saw her a few times a year if then. So many of our likes/dislikes, hobbies, etc., eerily similar. But, it has been fun re-connecting with her. :)

It was fun having a cake that was different, and the diaper bassinet, that no one had ever seen 'in this neck of the woods' to give the shower a bit of a twist out of what one normally sees/has at a shower.

All in all, April was a good month. Now it is time for vacation.
diaper bottom cake

diaper bassinet

March- Baby bumps, and all that we are up to March. The bump is beginning to show. :) Amazing to look at your child and know she is carrying a little miracle in there! Though no doubt that morning sickness, clothes that don't fit, and all that comes with that sort of cloud that 'lovin' feelin'' at this point,  in time, it will return. :)

I think it is often difficult to think about the fact that you are experiencing a miracle when you just feel tired, cranky, sick, fat, miserable, fat, tired, and did I mention fat? LOL. Oh, wait..that was me. LOL. Rach is doing quite nicely with her weight gain, or lack thereof.

Well, luckily, or not so luckily, the weight gain at this point has been offset by way too much sickness. So...the 'fat' is mostly all baby. :) So cute..that little baby bump. The clothes are much better, you don't look like a human sofa or a bad fabric ad. Ugh..maternity clothes of the past--- dreadful.

At the end of March it is now officially time to take another peek at what is going on in there. Though the dad was the one in attendance, we at least got to see the pictures. Wow! Yet again. My ultrasounds were done much too early (nor were they as in-depth)  to see much, so this was just awe-inspiring. That little dot in the follicle had grown into an honest to goodness little person. Granted, an 'alien'-looking little person, for now, but one with little eyes, a button nose, and tiny little fingers and toes. Wow.

Oh, and the best part---- she has a name now. Madison.


A few hours later they would divulge they had agreed on a middle name as well. Much to our delight they would choose to keep Mommy's middle name (the one my before dear, sweet friend had chosen for her when she was still a baby-to-be). 


So..there you have it - Madison Kendall it would be. Weighing in at about a pound at this point. Amazing. Simply amazing.

I still marvel at the ultrasound picture at God's magnificance. How in the dark depths of a womb a baby is formed. Ten little fingers, and ten little toes. Wow. Truly amazing.

So..out to shop for gender specific clothing the next day. Yes, I had been waiting for this moment. :) Soooo much fun. I got a tiny little outfit that said "I'm the little sister" to give to her when she came over to go to lunch with her dad that mid-morning. (Well, that is what I gave her- I actually picked up a couple of items (discounted, of course) to add to the growing 'shower' pile.)

So Miss Madison Kendall- you have a mom, a dad, and a name. Oh, and I forgot to mention--- we get two-for-one. You also have a delightful, michievious little sister who will be three at the time of your arrival (well, unless you come earlier than expected) ! She has stolen our hearts as well. We are going to be doubly blessed.

Yes, I have bought things for her, as well. :)

Bad G-Mama. :)

Oh- and if you are wondering why G-Mama--- it is because grandchild #1 already has two grandmas. So, to have her call me something that is acceptable (not my given name) that grandchild #2 can also call me, I chose G-Mama. Oh, and grandfather will be Pop-Pop. THAT might be a little harder for her to learn. :) Afterall, I don't want Miss Madison calling me "-Achel's mom" or "Mrs. Tracey", no, no. :)

February- Now the shopping begins

Okay, let me just say that, for the most part, I am not much of a shopper. Mostly because of finances, but I honestly do hate shopping for myself. My house, and others, on the other hand, I am game. :)

So, now that the news of the baby has settled into a definite is time to shop. LOL.  I waited a whole month afterall, and I need to get it now while I can afford it. I  received a gift Visa card in the mail for trying out a service which I did not care free money! Well, sort of. :) At this point it is like what came first? the chicken or the egg? But I know my first 'baby' purchase was with this card at Carters. I picked up a blanket and a generic item or two.  My daughter's first gift, as I recall, was a figurine of an expectant mother...but I believe that came later.

Shopping for a baby is quite an adventure now. Our son works for a company that specializes in baby items. Convenient, huh? Family members discount and all that. Yes, a blessing and a curse. :)  So many things out there to pick from. Much not needed, but there regardless. The biggest thing is now things are much more generic specific, so one can't just buy, buy, buy. can try. HAHAHA.  So, thanks to the gift cards, the rebate card, and family discounts, and careful budgeting, I was able to pick up more than enough for the baby- to- be, and the mom-to-be well in advance.

So it begins. I began to pick up items here and there- and treated my daughter to an item here and there for several weeks (clothes for her, baby items, etc.). I also began to go up to her work and buy her lunch so she would have food in her compromised system during this time. Though it was always a gamble whether she could keep it in her system, we gave it the old college try, regardless. Steak and chicken can get pretty pricey! But it was what she coud keep down in the beginning. Hmmmm...thinking this little person is going to be high maintenance? LOL. But I decided it was worth it because when she was away at school all week, I had no doubt her diet was less than desirable, so at least I would know she had attempted to keep at least two meals (Friday night diners) down.

Anyway- back to the shopping. So items began to accumulate. Then it was time to think about having a shower. We decided that it would be in April and the planning began.  I was encouraged by a sweet friend who said something so sweet to me about a baby's being in the world. That, and at this point we figured we would definitely see Christianity and true friendship at work.

So I made a diaper cake, and a diaper bassinet, to begin with. Then began to pick up things over the course of the next few months. Thanks to gift cards, and discounts, much was acquired. My dining room became baby shower central.

We also had news that another shower would be given in July. This child will surely be blessed, but lots of little things were purchased just in case. was fun. :) Here it is June and I thought I was done...not. I still keep seeing things, but my cut in income has helped cut down on that impulse spending for now. :) And...she has plenty at this point, right? There's always the birth, and Halloween, and Christmas, and....well, you get the idea. :)

Blogging and the miracle of Madison

Well, I finally decided to start a blog. here goes. As it seems this year is the beginning of a new phase of my journey through motherhood (and I have had quite a few interesting trips in the past few years), it seemed the logical place to start. So here we go-------------

Much to my dismay I was met with the news  just before the beginning of 2011 that we were to be grandparents. Happy New Year to us!  Yes, it met with mixed emotions, but also pride that abortion was not even a consideration, nor was adoption. Yes, it meant plans were definitely going to change, and life, as previously known, would be different. But..alas..we embraced this little miracle, and gift from above, with compassion, acceptance, and anticipation. After all, God makes no mistakes, only humans. :) The book of Jeremiah it tells us that He knows the plans He has for us, and though, yes, we alter them considerably at times, we know that He will never bring us to something that He is not already there for.

No, it was not exactly what the plans for life were at this point, but it is what God allowed to come to fruition. The first moments had to be handled with great care. Yes, one should think carefully how to handle oneself in such a situation, for those moments can mar relationships for life. And, unless you have been through it, you honestly don't know how you will handle such times. We chose to just handle it the way we would have wanted to be treated had it happened to us.

So...with great caution, much prayer, and a few tears, we moved on into this journey, together, as a family. Afterall, we had 'never done this before,' and if nothing else, the past few years have taught us a lot about dealing with what life throws you with forgiveness, compassion, acceptance, and grace. For by the grace of God go we all, right? You can never know what you may face in life until you are in  the throws of it. My motto for life began in about 2007- Access, Adapt, and Overcome. God gives the strength, I just have to show up. It 'ain't always easy'', and often there is a lot of heartbreak, many tears, and much disappointment, but is how we respond, rather than how we react to things in life that often show our true character. My Christianity has been tested, and re-tested, as has my faith in people. Thankfully, people are not where my real faith abides. My faith and hope abides in Him, and I trust that with Him, all things are possible, and my perseverance will conquer life's unexpected events.

Yes, life was not going to go according to plans anymore, and would change drastically, but, Lord willing, it would go...regardless. No, life was not going to go according to plans anymore, and would change drastically, but, Lord willing, it would go...regardless. LOL- either way --- it was what it was, and it was going to be an adventure.Thankfully, our baby girl has a man who continues to be  supportive and loving. Thankfully, she has a family who is supportive, and loving as well. So once the initial emotions were dealt with, we embraced the impending birth with the same joy, anticipation, and planning that any one else would under traditional circumstances. We are to count it all joy, right? Yes, it isn't easy- and many times we want to scream and kick, stomp our feet, throw in the towel, and just totally be defeated, but He expects more from us.

I will admit to having shed tears, and praying for the first few days to handle all that would be ahead of us with His guidance- mainly not saying things that would be hurtful or that would be damaging to the relationships involved. Afterall, there but by the grace of God go most of us, right? No one necessarily plans to deal with many things that happen in life, but how we respond to it can make all the difference. There was definitely a barrage of emotions to contend with, and great care was taken with who was told, and when. I had been down that road before for other issues, and this would be no different in some ways, yet very different in others. I have learned in those times as well that acceptance does not equate approval, and if He can forgive my trespasses, and accept me at my worst, then who am I to do no less to others as well? Especially my loved ones - where unconditional love is not only expected, but necessary. about being accountable. :)

For a while we just absorbed the information amongst ourselves as a family. Afterall, we had 'never been through this before' so it was a learning curve of great magnitude. A few people were told, but the family was not told until the end of the first trimester. No sense in adding fuel to any small fires should something go awry. Yes, there were some comments better left unsaid, but such is life. Everyone is entitled to dealing with issues in their own way. Thankfully, the Lord has given us a spirit of forgiveness, and understanding.

And...thankfully, we discovered we had friends who were supportive and loving. If there were negative thoughts about this whole situation, thankfully we did not get wind of it. But...people are entitled to their opinions, right or wrong, and not much can be done about that. I imagine that many a tongue was waggin' when Mary had to share the news with her family, as well. Not that our daughter is being compared to Mary, but you get the general idea---- since the beginning of time, things have happened and not everyone is going to respond kindly.

However, we were blessed to have received some very supportive, loving, and encouraging responses, and that was truly a blessing. Sometimes other Christians can be your worst critics, so you have to be prepared for that ahead of time. I think overall there were only a few who were judgemental, or condemning, and my opinion of that is - well, the Lord will deal with them in His time. We have bigger fish to fry. Hopefully they came to some sort of reckoning with their reactions, and will be more gracious and less accusatory should they incur the same sort of situation down the road. Especially if they are ever faced with it in their own family.

We decided to tell only a few people at first. I was given permission to tell my BFF so that I had someone to cry, vent, talk, and plan with. She has no idea how helpful that was - I had a lot of emotions to contend with at first. :) , Rachel seeming to understand that I needed someone to talk to (as we had not told family yet), was a blessing to me. Then after the first trimester - family members were told- there were some comments made, but so be it. Moving along-  they finally came to acceptance as well.

So....let me back this train up a bit and start from the beginning. Just before New Years we received the news. Honestly, a fleeting thought (and I do mean fleeting) had gone through my mind at Christmas, but I shrugged it off. Yeah..that has happened before. Not with our child, but with other women in my life- and they know who they :) But here we were- hearing it out loud.

The next week was a visit to get confirmation of what we already pretty certain was a reality. Yep, there it was - a minuscule spot in what was an otherwise empty follicle- in my baby girl. Wow! Have never seen life at quite this point of being before. Amazing!  Six weeks in, and to know it was a little person in the making, was just miraculous. So tiny- unbelievable that this little spot would grow, Lord willing, into a tiny, squirmy, crying infant in just a matter of weeks. Thirty-two more weeks to be exact!

Then the following week, was  the official trip to the doctor which, needless to say, was not the best visit, as Mommy was not feeling so well, pretty much daily, at this point. But...alas, we got through it. This visit was to set up care and further confirmation of the due date. So...late August it would be.  Let the fun begin- oh, yeah....needless to say...weeks, weeks,weeks, days, days, days, of sickness. (Been there, done that, don't need a T-shirt).  Amazing how hard it is to watch your child be sick for so long. is what it is. This too shall pass.

The next blogs will all be done in the same span of time initially,  since I am 32 weeks into this adventure already. :) Hope I don't bore you with it all, and hope, if nothing else, you will see the unconditional love that can cover a multitude of life's woes, mishaps, and miracles. :) I hope to also learn more of the ins and outs of blogging. I can already see I have some things to discover. :)

Here we go.............................