Friday, March 30, 2012

Almost April Already????

Oh, goodness. Blogging is not in my daily routine yet, can you tell? I find I skip huge chunks of time. Oh, well.

So- February- Missypoo has had quite the month. Sitting up at 4.5 months was quite a surprise, but the biggest surprise was that her mommy and daddy got engaged. Date to be determined. Is leaning towards May 2013 after Mommy graduates in December. That way we can focus on getting things done. Oh, and we have decided to take the girls to Disney World in May in spite of the probability neither will remember it. LOL. But- I hope it will be fun, regardless.

Doing my best to keep up with the Photo a Day Challenge. So far, so good. March was more difficult. I just downloaded April, however. So not giving up yet. :)

Now- here March is just about over and she is 6 months old already .Time sure did fly by. This month heralded the arrival of more hair , baby food, and two teeth! Thankfully with no diaper issues, fevers, or too much fussiness. Just a bit of sleeplessness at night for about two nights while they emerged from the darkness. Such a bubbly, curious, and quite loud and vocal these days, little bundle of joy. Now weighing in at sixteen pounds.

Personally I have started yet another exercise routine - which is relatively doable, but results - well, that remains to be seen. :) However, I have not given up. I have to make a few modifications with my bad knee issue, but at least I have stuck to it. :)

Unseasonably warm weather has kicked in the spring fever and I have gotten a few procrastination items off of my list. I have also sold two diaper cakes over the past few months, have a request for one, made a couple for baby showers/gifts, made a kitchen towel cake for someone free, and have a car kit project in the works. I also have someone interested in putting my products in his store, so that is somewhat exciting. :)

Well, much to do today, sort of. :) Baby to play with- ranks higher than that grass that needs mowing, don't you agree? :)