Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ramblings and taking baby steps

Who knew posting a blog would be so challenging? I mean, changing backgrounds, trying to post pictures, etc., all aside, it is just mind boggling how I, who some seem to think has a lot of free time on her hands (and often I would agree) cannot seem to keep up a blog on a regular basis. I think this also falls in line with my current inability to complete a book (though I did finish an awesome one- and in the time frame allotted- from our church study), watch a movie, catch up on her DVR'd shows, etc. LOL I am hoping this is only a phase, but I fear it is just a sign of a permanent condition. HAHAHA.

Last week I decided to finally make a FB page with items that I have on hand, or have made/sold, etc. That was a huge baby step. Whether it results in anything profitable, or not, shall remain to be seen. But- I took the first leap. I had recently sold two diaper cakes (at very little profit, sadly- but live and, so I was encouraged to make the page.

This week, I am currently in the process of making two cakes for showers coming up over the next few months, and completed a mini-cake for a shower I have to attend next month. Sadly, I won't be making money from them, but, thankfully, I had some of the supplies on hand already, so my budget isn't too compromised. :) Who knows? Maybe by my making these gifts, at some point, a profit will start to manifest.

If not, I will continue to enjoy the creative outlet and the joy the items I create bring to others. Even though often people don't appreciate the time and effort (or often the cost) of a handmade, personalized, unique only to them, item. I know we are often guilty (at least I know I am) of seeing something somewhere and thinking, " oh, I could make that, " but then will I? can I really? did I? Hmmmmm.....most folks I know do not.

I recall taking a basket making class many years ago, and it truly did give me a new appreciation for handmade basketry. The process can be must more difficult than one would imagine, though I have no doubt that continued practice makes it easier. So, even now, though I may balk at the price - I know the handiwork and time it took someone to make them.

So- now I can focus on two things- trying to promote the FB page, and keeping up with this blog. Well, I can at least try. :) I have, what feels like, a lot going on these days to distract me,  in regard to actually being able to sit down and write a lengthy, or even a short, blog entry.  I guess it is like exercising or dieting- any effort is better than nothing, right? :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

New Years- a time of reflection

So it is tradition to reflect on the previous year and make resolutions for the new one at New Years. I, however, do not do resolutions, for the most part. I do resolve to try to do a few things differently, but mostly it is to keep the house reasonably clean, love my kids unconditionally- well, within reason, and try something new at least once each year.

Becoming a grandmother last year was, hands down, my big 'try something new'...hahaha. I am uncertain what this year will hold, but I know Who holds it. :)

I am reflecting on the past four months and Miss Madison has grown nearly double her birth weight, is trying to sit up, has found her toes, laughed early, has discovered her voice, and is just a joy.

We spent a good portion of New Years weekend together. We visited old friends on Saturday, and on Sunday she slept in Sunday School after a rocky session in the church service.
snoozing through Sunday School class. :)
Sitting up on the booth seat at Weathervane

So cute..:)

Just feeling a bit proud of herself in the high chair at Jason's Deli.

On Monday and Tuesday we both had lunch with Mommy. Both times in which she made it quite evident that the car seat/stroller was not her preferred place to sit. LOL. Too growny. Of course, the rest of our week was spent together randomly according to mommy's work schedule, but the first three days of the new year were for Grammy, Mommy, and  Madison time. :)

Sometimes just changing your routine and taking time out for the people you love is the best resolution you can make. THAT may be my biggest change this year. :)