Wednesday, September 21, 2011

officially addicted

Okay, I am officially addicted to Facebook, and, blogs, taking pictures, and procrastinating. LOL.

I want a new camera badly- especially now with a new little one to focus on and use as a subject for some potentially awesome photos!  Nothing like a newborn, or a beautiful fall day can inspire one to grab a camera and go for it. I have one- and although it is rated fairly high for quality pics, I want a Nikon or a Fuji, so I can really experiment.

It makes me sad to think of all of the missed photo opportunites over the years with kids, family, etc. Can't get that time back, sadly. Money was always problematic, or not having a camera when you needed one, etc. Now, that I am older, I am a bit more focused on trying to get those moments in time. :) But...a new camera would truly make it a more pleasant

For now, I will have to just focus on debt payment goals and fawn over wonderful pictures on blogs and Pinterest. :)

Well, I am finished confessing for the day. So when you grow up, Miss Madison, and see all of G-Mama's photos, scrapbooks, etc., you will understand, and know " she was addicted." HAHAHA

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Music touches my heart

Just always seems to be a part of our lives. From a hummed lullaby when we were babies to a hymn sung when we are saying farewell to a family member or friend on the last day their body is in our presence at a funeral. Unbeknowst to us, there will be music as we leave this world as well, for most of us. I look forward to the heavenly hosts singing one day. That will be the most beautiful choir ever heard, no doubt.
Funny how we can't remember what we did yesterday sometimes, but we can remember some, if not all, of the words to songs we learned when we were years younger. (And I do mean years.)
Funny how we can recall certain events based on a song we hear- no matter how long ago it has been since you heard it. It can conjure up that memory and make you happy or sad. Kind of the same way food does. :)
Funny how it can make you want to dance with joy, or make tears come to your eyes and overflow onto your cheeks - either because of emotions it conjured up from my previous comment, or from the lyrics just touching your heart with a fresh new awareness of what they mean.
So many different types. Many of which will be loved, and many that will be hated. Bluegrass- ugh. Jazz- I enjoy it on occasion. Rap-well, it's not all bad, but take care in that genre...the messages are often degrading to women, and vulgar. Country- it's not all bad either.  Opera- uhm....not so much, though there are a few pieces I enjoy.
My escape for so many years when I was growing up in a place, or time,  where, or when,  things were not often all that great. I could escape into the songs- in melancholy, or happy moments.
My 'identity' for many years when I was in the band.
Funny how you can hear a song and it will remind you of someone you may have thought of in years, or make you think of them and how much that song seems to "fit" them.
Can fill your soul when often nothing else will.
Like a friend you can always count on.

I picked my music on this blog because of each song makes me think of either my children, or my granddaughters, or a time in life when things were happier, etc. I have no doubt it will change- be taken away or added to, in time, depending on where I am in my life.

Madison- may you  find the music that speaks to your heart, lifts your spirits, encourages your soul, or just makes you want to jump and dance 'just because'. Though you will say " I only listen to the music,' while that may be true, take time to listen to the lyrics. You may find that they will speak to you.

But be careful There is a lot of music out now that is extremely vulgar (and they used to say some of the stuff years back was vulgar- it was tame in comparison to the filth out there now), so please think about the message it is conveying and decide if that is something you want to be implanted into your thoughts. 'Cause it has a way of staying there - for years.

Nothing can comfort me at times like Amazing Grace, or lift my spirits like a little disco beat. :) Oh, yes, Madison- G-mama will no doubt introduce you to a little disco. Now if you want bluegrass you will have to go elsewhere for that (well, I have about 3 I can tolerate), but I will listen to Phantom of the Opera with you, and probably cry at the beauty of it. :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Boredom rears its ugly head

Ugh..I stay so bored. Since about 45 it has gotten worse and worse. I feel like I am not doing my life's work, what God would have me do, right now. I start things and get sidetracked, have little-to-no interest in some of the things I used to love-can't stay focused when I am reading, or watching TV, for that matter, much of the time. I am bored silly. It's not so much that I don't enjoy these things anymore, it is just that I don't find them as satisfying as I used to, and they don't fill the empty places that used to be contented.

While I do have things I do accomplish on a regular basis, they are mundane, and just drive me to distraction. The other day I think it took me, for whatever reasons, about 5 times before the dish washing was completed. I get my 'chores' done, but they don't get done with the same urgency they used to in the past.
I see things that I used to stay on top of on a weekly basis- and some of them have not been done in months. And the sad part is- I JUST DON'T CARE.

For example - yesterday I removed the summer decorations, and I know full well it would only take a bit over half an hour to put them away, put out the fall decorations, and put it all where it goes. But....alas, it is still not done. I even started doing a bit more on it today. I know that I will get it done, but it is just not on my "urgency radar" to complete. Something like that drives me nuts...but I seem to have no control over it currently. That drives me nuts, too.

I think much of it is that I devoted so many of my adult years to my kids, family, etc., and now I don't have them to focus on nearly as much as I used to. I find that I somehow got lost in the shuffle of life. I did not take time, or have money, to focus on what I wanted, but on other people's needs, and now I am at a loss, most of the time, with what to do with myself. It is very annoying. I feel unappreciated for my efforts, and basically lonely much of the time. It is an awful thing to feel so lonely in a room full of people- and worse when it is with the people you have devoted half of your life to.

I hope to find a new job by next fall, and I pray to the good Lord that it will be something that challenges me, makes use of my organizational skills, and creativity, and brings in enough money to take away some of the stress in our home. That has been yet another challenge this past two years, or more, but especially the past two. I need more adult interaction.

So today I am having an annoying day, though I have an attitude of gratitude, I am letting the little things bug me...ugh. Tomorrow has to be better, right? Okay, pity party time is over. Have to go fold towels, and take care of lunches.

My apologies for such a Debbie Downer post today, but sometimes it is what it is. :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Whew! Finally time to do this...

Wow! What a long, busy four days!  You are finally here, Little Missy. Only twelve days later than anticipated, but, here, nonetheless. All 7.14 lbs., 20.5 inches of you arrived, by C-section at 12:09 p.m. on Tuesday, September 07, 2011.

You are remarkable. You look so much like your mother already that it is amazing. Your mommy, after a few incidents with an IV, did remarkably well, and is recovering nicely. She is doing much better than I could have ever hoped for considering how traumatic the surgical birth process could have been for her. But I can imagine that a vaginal birth would have been a much longer, anxiety-causing,  time for her, no doubt.

Your daddy, hopefully, will catch up on some sleep soon. His adventures with the hospital chairbed will come to an end after tonight, I hope. He cannot have been comfortable for the past three nights. :)

I don't think it has all totally hit me just yet that you are actually here. I mean, I have photos, have held you numerous times, which, by the way, I was the last to do so on Wednesday when you first arrived. I had to make sure I got photos first. :) But, with my worrying about your mommy, I really just tried to focus on her well being first, and I had no doubt you would be in the best of hands. :)

So....the journey with Madison post-birth, will now begin. Hang on, 'cause it is a bumpy ride...but we will do our best to enjoy it, little pumpkin.

Love ,

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Still awaiting

Well, here it is the morning of the eighth day of your non-arrival. We are still anxiously waiting. You WILL be here, however, by Tuesday night, or Wednesday, if you choose to continue to not come out of there. Your mommy is very tired, and is anxiously awaiting, too. She wants to see what you look like, hold you, and be able to see her feet again (just kidding).

So, Little Missy, hurry up. We want you here safe and healthy, but you can come on out and play now.Today would be really good.
