Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pre-birthday musings

Wow! Here I find myself realizing it has been yet more months since I have blogged. This is apparently not a habit I can seem to form yet. :)

Madison, dear precious girl- you will be one in just a few days! Unbelievable! You are walking, mimicking sounds, saying a few words. We all love to hear you saying your version of Tyler over and over again. :) You are funny, have a wonderful sense of humor, and are testing your boundaries. I imagine some things are going to crop up you will no doubt not like the reaction to, but it is part of training a child, and must be done. :) Does not mean you are any less loved, but that you are loved enough to make sure you are staying safe, doing the right thing, and learning. :)

I spent hours upon hours last week making a photo book to just capture a small part of the many pictures of you over this past year.The changes are only magnified when put into a book! Hopefully it will become something you will grow to appreciate when you are older. Maybe, just maybe, it is something I can do yearly. One can hope.

I look forward to watching you become a toddler. Yes, with all the challenges that accompany that part of your little life. Your mother is in for a ride! She was a handful, and turn about is apparently considered fair play in the game of parenting. Haha.  So..Mama better hold on to her boots! It is going to be a bumpy ride. :)

In just a few short months your mom, dad, and sister will officially become a family, and hopefully in a few short months after that the Lord will bless you all with a home of your own. Lots of changes. Lots of challenges. Lots of blessings to come. Then your mommy will have hopefully finished school, and begin a life with some semblance of normalcy - meaning one job, no crazy hours, and more time to spend with you. :) She has sacrificed a lot in the past two years, and much of it to better herself so that she can strive to give you a good life. It has not been easy, but, most things worthwhile don't come easy in this life.

I pray for you as you face this world. It is a hard world, but if you keep your heart open, you will find kindness, love, and much to learn. I pray you will be a person of compassion, passion, and unconditional love.

Recently we were faced with a public display of the lack of unconditional love and acceptance by a family member. Wow, how sad that someone can be so malicious and unaccepting to a member of his/her own family. Especially in a time when so many families are blended, have adopted children, or are not conventional families. May God forgive that person and may they come to realize the error of their way, ask for forgiveness, and receive it. God loves us where we are, unconditionally, if we come to Him asking for forgiveness, and striving to do better. My mind still plays that reel over and over and I am appalled, and ashamed, of that person, but I will forgive them, but not forget. It is what I am called to do in Him, Madison. Not easy- but expected. I pray you will learn to love and forgive in life as well. Pop Pop is not ready yet to let that display of hate go yet, but in time, he will as well. I know it is harder for him because he has faced that sort of thing most of his life.

those eyes...so pretty

loves her daddy, no doubt

so sweet

sleeping babies are just so beautiful
Three more days of being a baby - then a toddler you will be. :) I have no doubt I will not blog again for a while, so I have added a few pictures of you at this point. May your second year of life be filled with even more love than the first. Sweet, sweet girl, I love you. :)