Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Oh, my word!!!! I know I have blogged in less than a year as I noticed it says on a fellow blogger's blog, but for Pete's sake, where did the time go???? Goodness, Madison....Grammy has been busy, busy, busy, and yet, often not so much. :) Life just seems to get away from me many days.

I feel so behind, I am not sure where to even start. So...let's recap from your birthday, how about that? :) In case I failed to mention it in my last post- you began walking about a week before your birthday, and you really took off. Running, walking backwards, sideways, you are just full of yourself. :) Your personality is just bubbly, and very mischievous, and full of fun.

You had a really cute bumblebee cake which I think I failed to get a picture of, dadburnit. Oh, well. Mommy and Daddy baked and decorated it for you. :) A friend of ours took some lovely pictures of you (and some that were pretty at Duke Gardens the day after your birthday at Duke Gardens. :)

What a cutie patootie. I have some pictures as well, but they were not nearly as good because taking pictures of you these days is like trying to nail down Jello. :)

In October we took you to the fair, where you decided that you had had enough of the stroller, and spent quite a bit of time maneuvering around folks, or just walking about like they were not even in the way. To say you wore your Pop Pop out is an understatement. Especially since you had only been walking about 6 weeks at that point. Busy, busy little gal.

The picture below was the day your mommy and daddy had their engagement pictures made. The photographer was quite smitten with you. :)

We also took you and your sister to Hill Ridge Farms. Though the day was not as sunny as we had hoped, it was a good day. Looking back at the pictures from your first trip there and now was quite interesting. :)

Halloween you made the cutest little Minnie Mouse (though Mommy called you Madi Mouse) and you sported a cute little Madimobile created by your mom and dad. So stinking cute.

Grammy was in full wedding mode in preparation for the wedding in November. Your mother made a beautiful bride, and you and your sister were beautiful little flower girls who acted as if they had done it before. :) You really enjoyed your goldfish crackers during the ceremony, and lots of dancing at the reception. You had a busy, busy day. It was a very beautiful day and I think everyone would agree, a good one.

You enjoyed spending the night at Grammy's with your family and having Thanksgiving dinner of which you were most impressed with the yumminess of sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce. :)

Christmas was lots of fun as well and you were most intrigued with all of the decorations. Although you did not touch my tree at all, your mommy's was less fortunate, and took a couple of spills during the holidays. :) Ah, you will do better next year. :) Tinsel the Elf on a shelf entered your life this year, and though you may not have gotten much out of it this year, London thoroughly enjoyed it. It may be a bit before you totally understand it all, but you did enjoy the video.

Our photographer friend was able to capture some of your craziness in your family photo sessions in December as well. You are so nuts!!! But then, he caught your angelic side as well. :) There were some technical difficulties occurring at the time of this blog so a few of the pictures refused to load.

So, as you can see there are quite a few pictures missing from this blog. Primarily because I had been too busy to load them onto my computer, and also because the camera was inoperable for a while after the wedding. :) But- I will come back and add them at a later date. (If you are reading this- and they are there- I made it happen. ;)  If not, to be

The New Year proves to offer even more interesting and intriguing things to come. You will become a big sister soon!!! You will have experienced all of the birth order positions, perhaps unbeknown to you. You are the only child when London is at her mom's, you are the baby sister when she is not, you will be the older sister when London is away, and you will be the middle child when she is at your house. Wow- lots of variables on your personality will no doubt arise in due time. :)

You are the most loving little thing. Your doctor is very impressed with your being able to count to 3- and sometimes to 5- since you were about 13 mos., the fact that you have  a very extensive vocabulary, that you 'pretend' read,  and your petite little frame. You are, however, starting to also exhibit your war of wills (aka- terrible twos), but hopefully it will be short lived. You are doing some of the cutest stuff, learning by leaps and bounds, and are just a real joy.

I have not kept you as much since Mommy finished school, and I find I miss you terribly some days. :(  I also cannot even fathom how I will love your impending sister/brother as much as I do you. I know God will open my heart even more and make room, so that is not an issue, I am guessing. :)

So, Miss Madi- 2013 will be an adventure for us both. :) I am so happy to share it with you. Love you bunches, sweet girl. :)